The dish pictured at left is one of 27 82ft wide dishes located 50 miles west of Socorro NM. It is a National Radio Astronomy Observatory where scientists from around the world come to rent time to study radio signals. Founded in 1986, the radio observatory is managed by the National Science Foundation, an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950. Should you visit remember to put phones in airplane mode and shut off all electronics. The visitor center is currently closed.
Eastern Sierra
Death Valley CA and the nearby mountains are great for natural light variety. Lone Pine CA is a good location if you decide not to pay the high cost of staying in one of the two National Park hotels in Death Valley.
Moab, Utah is a favorite spot. I call it a bit of a frontier town because of the available outside adventures. A hummer safari along the Colorado River was quite special.
One of the prettiest anywhere. A favorite place!
washington dc
Death Valley National Park
Lake Michigan
Chicago skyline
Organ Mountains and ocotillos
Owens Dry Lake, California
Organ Mountain moon
Grand Canyon
Death Valley National park
Stove Pipe Wells Dunes
White Sands National Park
Organ Mountains National Monument
En route to the Outer Hebrides, Scotland
San Antonio,
San Antonio is famous for three things: Firstly, and most importantly it is the gateway pueblo to the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. Secondly, San Antonio is the birthplace of the founder of the Hilton Hotel chain, and lastly within the 5 or 6 commercial establishments that make up the town are two of the best places to get a hamburger anywhere.
terlingua, texas
Another town I put in the “frontier town” catergory. It joins others such as Usuaia, Argentina; Nome, Alaska, and Pokhara, Nepal
Looking for pecos bill